Your future starts here

Planning for your retirement has never been easier with your myRPS account

The website will be undergoing maintenance between 5am and 2pm on Saturday 21 September 2024. You can still request estimates and other changes during this time but they won't be processed until the maintenance is complete and may take longer than usual to show on your account.

What do you want to do today?

Use the quick links below to find the information you need. You can log in to your myRPS account to ask for an estimate, use the pension planning tools, make a nomination, switch your investment funds, check your details, and more...

What’s going on in the pensions world?

Keep up to date with the latest pensions news and developments in the Scheme.

Do you know someone with a Heart of Gold?

Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) is looking for people in the rail industry who have made a real difference in their workplace or community.

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Have your say in how we communicate about your pension

Based on member feedback, we’re planning some changes to the ways we communicate about your pension and we need your help to get it right.

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It's pension engagement season!

Pension Engagement Season is back for 2024 with more useful content, pension problem-solving and handy tips to help you get behind the driving seat of your pension.

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